What are Hyper Proof series NFTs
Hyper Proof is the prefix for a series of commemorative NFTs which can be exchanged for the Hyper Café governance tokens
The Collections
Hyper Proof of Donation (not recommended in 2023)
The minting of Hyper Proof of Donation (HPoD) NFTs is treated as an acknowledgment and alignment of Hyperbatch's vision for building Hyper Café - a decentralized ecosystem where digital commodity $HBEAN is used for value exchanges. Each HPoD NFT will cost 0.138 ETH to mint. All the funds will go to a community vault which would transition to be managed by a community-selected committee. The minting of HPoD NFT will grant you the allowlist entry to mint 1 Hyperbatch Barista Club (HBBC) for free if you are outside the Hyperbatch coffee shipping coverage (Australia, New Zealand, and China as of 01/04/2023). Minting HPoD NFT for the Hyperbatch Barista Club allowlist entry is not what Hyperbatch recommends. Participating in the public mint will give you a lower price (0.069 ETH) of entry into the ecosystem without committing to the cause of Hyperbatch for building Hyper Café. If you are within the current Hyperbatch specialty coffee shipping coverage, a coffee purchase of 500 grams or above will grant you the Hyperbatch Barista Club allowlist entry.
Hyper Proof of Roast (allowlist mint only)
Hyper Proof of Roast (HPoR) NFTs can only be minted after you redeem your quarterly coffee with $HBEAN. 1 successful redemption of Hyper Café coffee will grant you 1 allowlist entry to mint 1 HPoR NFT.
Hyper Proof of History (public mint only)
Hyper Proof of History (HPoH) NFTs are open editions for everyone to celebrate the milestones on the path we carve through history.
The Utilities
Hyperbatch Proof of Donation (HPoD) is of value for decentralized governance.
Hyper Proof of Roast (HPoR) is of value for community engagement and decentralized governance.
Hyper Proof of History (HPoH) is of a much greater value when more consecutive milestones are collected in a single wallet.
Last updated